Token Reader Troubleshooting (V2 Version)

There's 2 different videos to help you diagnose and fix a malfunctioning token reader. First, look to see if the red led light on your token reader is either solid or blinking, then follow the appropriate video link below.

Click HERE if you have a SOLID red light (VIDEO) 


Click HERE if you have a BLINKING red light (VIDEO)


token reader scrreenshot-1


*If the steps in the "solid" video don't fix your issue, you may also try the "blinking" video (wont hurt), sometimes theres a jam and the light doesn't blink like it normally should to indicate that.

But in either case, if the steps in these videos dont fix your issue you may request a replacement token reader by emailing :

*Please Incl. Contact Name (for the box) and Shipping Address incl. School Name.

Thank You!