Selection Errors - Books Wont Dispense

Below are 3 videos showing the 3 types of errors you would recieve when a book fails to dispense after accepting a token. However, if you dont see a credit when inserting a token then you'll want to check the "token reader" section in help center.

Before watching these videos please double check the exact error message displayed on screen for whichever slot/s in question. This will direct you to the appropriate video as each specific selection error has a unique fix. If you try these below and still have any issues (especially with the "selection not present" error) just let us know and we can send you a replacement motor. You can email for the next steps. Thank You!


Error Type #1  - "This Selection No Stock" 

*yes, we see it too 😉

selection errors - no stock


Error Type #2 - "This Selection Paused"   

selection errors - paused


Error Type #3 - "Selection Not Present"

selection errors - not present